Polling Places and Sample Ballots


(Polls are Open 7:00 am to 8:00 pm)

To find your polling location based on your address, go to My Vote Wisconsin.

Click on the address link for Google Maps to find the polling locations.  Click on the associated wards to see Sample Ballots.

FOX CROSSING MUNICIPAL COMPLEX        Wards 1, 2, 4, 7, & 9
2000 Municipal Drive, Neenah

Apple Valley Presbyterian Church                     Ward 3, 5, 6, & 8
1750 Olde Buggy Drive, Neenah

FOX CROSSING COMMUNITY CENTER        Ward 10, 11, & 12
1000 Valley Road, Menasha

Pentecostals of the Fox Cities                           Ward 13, 14, 15, & 16
1445 Midway Road, Menasha

Map of all Village Wards