Tax Rate Information
Below is a list of tax rate charts providing the annual assessed tax rate by taxing jurisdiction for the Village. A comparison for each year, listed by taxing jurisdiction, for each school district is provided.
Except for the 3 parcels noted in the following paragraph, all properties in the Village are in Winnebago County and the Fox Valley Technical College taxing jurisdictions, thus, the Village rate, State rate, County rate, and Vocational School rate are the same for all Village properties. Village properties reside in one of three (3) local School Districts; Neenah Joint School District, Menasha Joint School District, or Appleton Area School District. Within each School District, the local school tax rate is assessed to all properties at the same rate. When looking at this chart for your property, make sure you looking at the columns related to your local School District.
In 2021, the owner of 3 parcels that crossed the jurisdictional boundary between the Village of Fox Crossing, Winnebago County and the City of Appleton, Outagamie County, petitioned to have the portion within the City of Appleton detached from Appleton so they could be part of the Village, with the remaining portion of the parcels. As a result, the Village has parcels located within Outagamie County and must prepare tax bills and collect for Appleton School District, Fox Valley Technical College and Outagamie County. Thus, beginning with the 2022 tax bills, the Village produces tax rates for Outagamie County and Winnebago County separately.
Historical Tax Rates
- 2023 – Winnebago County
- 2023 – Outagamie County
- 2022 – Winnebago County
- 2022 – Outagamie County
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
The tax rate, also known as the mill rate, is listed as a rate per $1,000 of property assessed value. The two factors effecting the mill rate are the tax levy and the assessed value of the jurisdiction.
Tax Levy
The tax levy is the dollar amount to be collected from each taxable property within the Village in order for the Village to meet all budgeted expenditures; calculated as budgeted expenses less other budgeted revenues. Each taxing jurisdiction establishes the tax levy through their own budget process. Learn more about the Village budget process here. Please refer to the other taxing jurisdictions to learn more about their process. Each taxing jurisdiction is responsible to establish its’ own levy amount.
Assessed Value
The Village Assessor establishes the assessed valuation for each property within the Village and certifies the valuation. Learn more about the Village Assessment process here.
Assessments concerning the other taxing jurisdictions (for example, every municipality within Winnebago County) follows a different process. Each Municipality within each taxing jurisdiction assesses properties; however, to help ensure uniformity between different communities, and potentially different assessment practices, these other taxing jurisdictions rely on the State Department of Revenue (DOR) Equalized Value (linked below) to allocate its’ levy. The DOR determines the equalized value for each municipality and the tax levy is allocated proportionately. The portions attributable to the Village through that process are then assessed to each property within the Village based on the Village Assessed values.
Mill Rate
The Village tax levy, referenced above, is divided by the total Village assessed value, per above, to calculate the Village Tax (mill) rate. Each other taxing jurisdictions tax levy proportionately allocated to the Village is divided by the total Village assessed value, per above, calculate the Tax rate for each jurisdiction. The mill rates are multiplied by the assessed value for each individual property to calculate the amount each property tax bill.
Useful Links:
State Department of Revenue (DOR)
DOR Equalized Value
DOR Property Tax Information
DOR Property Tax Publications
Winnebago County Treasurer
Fox Valley Technical College
Neenah Joint School District
Menasha Joint School District
Appleton Area School District